"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury



Posted on 11:06 PM | By KatieSham | In

Today was horribly long. I have not stopped moving since 11 this morning. OH LOOK, TWELVE HOURS AGO.

I'm so painfully tired. I would pay money to not have to go to school tomorrow.

Ok, I'm done.
I have nothing mildly entertaining to say. Physics crap still needs to be done. BUT I DON'T CARE.

I'm going to bed. Tomorrow will probably be equally long.



Posted on 11:33 PM | By KatieSham | In

Today was mostly uneventful. I found out I’m salutatorian. So…that’s exciting I guess. I don’t really know how proud I should be. But I get a medal, so that’s fun.

On the way home my mom, Robert and I got started talking about your “I’m About To Die” list of people. Really catchy title, I know. But basically, let’s say you suddenly discover you’re about to die and you only had time to call ten people before you kick off. (Oh, and no 3-ways or anything crazy like that, no speakerphone.)

Who do you call? I kind of struggle with this. Family, obviously. But who else? And who in my family do I call specifically? GOODNESS. I hate that. I realize that this is a very…SPECIFIC situation, but these are the kinds of things I think about on a daily basis.


That’s all I have to say. Who would you call?

Today was...


Posted on 11:46 PM | By KatieSham | In

a’ight. It wasn’t horrible, and things generally improved towards the afternoonish time.

Got up, ate breakfast, worked on my paper. Went to “run errands”*, picked up He Who Shall Not Be Named (Until He Blogs), went to library, worked on paper. At dinner, worked on paper.. You get the idea.

Blah, nothing huge to talk about.

Although, today on the way to “run errands”, I started thinking about some stuff. It occurred to me that I expect different things, from different friends.
To some extent I think that’s probably a very normal, acceptable habit; different people have different abilities. But, I think sometimes I almost tend to be a bit hypocritical. I won’t text one friend back because I’m lazy/sleepy/stupid, but I expect another to text back the moment I text them. I get my feelings hurt when one friend doesn’t remember something I deem important, but then I wouldn’t expect another to know that about me if I asked. I dunno.

It’s all kind of weird. I think some of that just comes with the territory of having some friends be closer than others, but maybe I expect too much/not enough of some of my friends. Who knows.

Something to think about.

Day Two!


Posted on 9:59 PM | By KatieSham | In

This thing is sinkin' fast kids.

Today was pretty not good. I hardly slept last night and yesterday was a big fat BUSY MESS. This whole week finally caught up with me, so I didn't go to church today.

Took Rob, came home, couldn't go back to sleep. Typical. So I watched America's Next Top Model.

Hung around, was lazy, then went to BAM at 6. That was pretty horrible, not gonna lie.

And now I'm here.

I had plenty of time today to think about prom, and the fact that I didn't go. Yesterday, I was more than fine with that. Today, maybe not so much. I just...feel like I've missed something. You know? The rest of my high school stuff hasn't been exactly normal, so I just feel like I should have done it just to say I had.

I have a rather large headache now.

Blog Every Day in May


Posted on 11:42 PM | By KatieSham | In


...That's a horrible acronym. But whatever.

I kind of failed at the whole, Blog Every Day April thing, it kind of snuck up on my actually. But I've given this a lot of thought. And I've decided that this month, the month of May, will be much better. Probably not very much more exciting, but I think I'll like to be able to look back later and know what was going through my head during my last month of high school. I plan on actually, physically writing each entry this month and then posting an...edited account here. Not because I'm not honest here, but because I just don't want my every thought shared online. I've got stuff to think about, you know.

So, today was mostly uneventful. I went to Walmart twice, separated, bagged, and labeled all of my mom's Pampered Chef things she needs to give away. I made a cake, that was a huge fail. I'm blaming the baking powder, but I feel like it was actually my own fault somewhere along the way. Brian made Cream Cheese Danishes (no idea why I just capitalized that, but it felt like it needed it) and brought me two. I was kind of impressed (Just tried one, and they were actually quite tasty.)

All in all, not a bad day, but not a very exciting one. I shall be back tomorrow with something more exciting. Possibly. Maybe. Probably not.