"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury

I'm thinking..


Posted on 11:07 PM | By KatieSham | In

I'm thinking most of you (I love that I talk like a bunch of people are reading this. LOVE IT.) don't know about my, somewhat strange, love of YouTube. So I'm going to enlighten you all.

A good portion of the people I know, only use YouTube for certain things. Things like, music videos, how-to's, and clips of TV/movies come to mind. But what I've realized, is that a lot of people don't even realize that there's another side of the website.

Aside from people uploading various copyrighted material, there is also the online community known as 'vloggers' (Video Blog-Vlog. OH HOW CLEVER.).

I stumbled upon a video of 'charlieissocoollike' back in the summer of 2007. One of his videos had been featured. Coincidentally, the video was titled, "How To Get Featured On YouTube". I went to his channel page and watched the few other videos he had uploaded previously. I was instantly hooked. Talking to a camera, about whatever you want, and having possibly thousands of people hearing what you have to say? That, my friend, is awesome.

So it went from there.
I'm not entirely sure of the order, but the number of people I'm subscribed to now borders somewhere along the 75 mark.
I just love hearing what other people have to say, not to mention some of them are just hilarious.

But one channel, has really captured my attention over the last year.
They're two brothers that started making videos January 1, 2007. I, sadly, didn't catch them until early January of 2008, but that's OK.
Starting on January 1st of 2007, each brother made a video, every other weekday, for an entire year. The really hard part? They couldn't 'textually' communicate for the entire duration of that year. Meaning, no texts, no emails, no letters, no cards, nothing.
One of the brothers is the fairly well known author, John Green. (Author of Looking For Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, and Paper Towns)
I caught up one week when I was sick, and went from there. They continued to make videos all through last year and still do today.

My recommendation to you? Watch them, from the beginning. You WILL love them. Promise. Well, you will if you have that inner-nerd (or not so inner..) just waiting to shine through like I did..do.

So go, start from January 1, 2007 and move to now.
Do it.
Or I will be sad.

And we don't want that...right?

I'm now off to continue to blow my nose ever other half minute and eat Popsicles until I can't taste anything else.


[Edit: Didn't mean for this to run so long. OH WELL.]

Colon Cleanser 2002


Posted on 12:08 AM | By KatieSham | In

So I was at Walmart on Saturday with my mom. She was picking up some groceries and I was looking for some Vitamin E for...something she's doing.

So as I'm looking around for what she needed, a box caught my eye, with a very..nasty looking picture printed on the front.
At first glance it looked a little like a worm on this box, but from closer investigation, I realized it was not a worm, but it was in fact a colon.

Now, I'm smart enough to know that no one has a pretty colon. But that's why you don't stick it on a box. And if you do, lie about what it looks like.

So this is what I saw first, the sign above the display:

Now, not only is the worm like colon on the box a turn off, look at the people on the sign. Is this the 80s? I don't think so. And I'm all for equality, equal representation, all of that. But really?
AND WHAT is up with the on the left? She looks a little too happy to have her "Colon Cleanser 2002" if you know what I mean...and I'm sure you all know what I mean.

And here, is what the actual box looks like:

THAT, my friends, is disgusting, you would have to pay ME to get that. Yuck.
That's just bad advertising, is that the best they can do? A worm like colon?
And don't even get me started with the name...

And this pen also made me laugh. Not so much bad advertising, but just...

I mean, I personally thought that was kind of...odd. And I love medical..stuff. But that's just a little weird for my taste. And I'm pretty sure most moms don't want their kids walking around with that...OH, and this was in the teacher's store...hm...

But that's all for now.


The First


Posted on 11:30 PM | By KatieSham | In

So I'm posting before it's 'beautimous'. I gave up on trying to post that lovely little picture I made.

[Edit: Except, I've got it now. But..give me some time to sort out the details..]

But uh, yeah. Hello..everyone..no one..whichever. I've had several failed attempts at blogging. Well, one success I suppose, if you count the lovely Xanga phase everyone went through in seventh grade. But here I am again.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to talk about. But..I can usually think of something to say..usually.

The next post will be more exciting, I promise.
I'm off to continue watching Castaway and critique every move he makes and alert the room of what I would have done instead. Because, as you all know, I'm quite skilled when it comes to survival life.
