"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury

Senior Year Is HERE.

Posted on 11:03 PM | By KatieSham | In


I'm so happy to finally be able to say that. I can't even express to you how happy that makes me. Not...because it means I'm the oldest or anything, just because it means I'm so close to being done with high school. So many people try to tell me that high school is "the best four years of your life," but if THESE are my best years, I'm not really looking forward to the rest of it..

Don't get me wrong, I've had some fantastic times. I mean, I wouldn't trade this past summer for anything in the world, but aside from the summers and the other few good times, I really haven't liked it that much. I really, honestly, hate school. And don't get me wrong, I love learning. I LOVE finding out new things. But I just really hate learning about things that I don't care about..at all. I know everyone has to learn all of it, but that doesn't really make it any easier.

So I'm glad to finally be nearing the end of it all. And I'm excited for what God has in store for me up ahead.

But as for right now..I'm good with where I am. I love the people that are close to me, and that's all that really matters. :)

Today was a FANTASTIC day. I don't know why, but it was.
I got to school on time, which is..always a nice way to start things off. School went by pretty..uneventfully. Well, and I got Starbucks somewhere in there.. And THAT is always a welcomed part of any day.

After, I went and got a skirt for school and a sweet tea from McDonalds. I'm pretty sure the world could be ending, a meteor speeding towards my head, and if I had a sweet tea, I'd be able to deal.

Then, we went home and my mom painted my nails. :D I'm pretty self-sufficient, but this is one talent I have yet to master. And whenever I try, it always ends...horribly, with fingernail polish somewhere I did not intend for it to be.

And after that I headed to the movies, met Amanda, and we saw Julie & Julia. It was ADORABLE. I, for some reason, did not have very high expectations for it, but it was so cute. It made me laugh and smile and just put me in a good mood. AND it ended great. (Happy, but not perfect.)

AND THEN..Amanda and I got to jump her car off of mine (Is that even how you phrase that?). That was a good time..haha
I'm glad I can at least say I've done it now. AND IT WORKED..SO THAT WAS GOOD TIMES.

And on the way home I had the windows down (AND IT WASN'T MISERABLY HOT! It was warm..but bearable.) and the music loud and that's just a perfect ending to any day. :)

Today was good, I think tomorrow will be good. This WEEK will be good. I'm being positive. That's the only way I'll make it through this year without strangling someone.

Off to watch Big Brother. :)

Uncle Kracker-Smile

Comments (3)

omg. big brother! best episode yet!

glad to see you are blogging again. I promise i am going to re enter the realm of blogging very shortly, yes, very shortly.

That sounded like the best day one could get during the school year. I hope you find many more of those along the way!

Now that I know you I can finally read your blogs :)

I sypathize with the nail polish, I haven't mastered that incredible skill with a brush yet either :)

Hey Kate!!
I agree HS was fun, but definitely NOT the best years... maybe just some of the many best days (or even moments) that you will have in your lifetime. Enjoy your Senior Year, there will certainly be days in the future that you will want to look back and reflect on where you've been.

Love you and miss you!!! Come to B'ham soon!!

P.S. - glad to have a fellow Ghost Whisperer fan in the fam!!

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