"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury

Beautiful Days


Posted on 4:23 PM | By KatieSham | In

Today is a BEAUTIFUL day. I keep standing in the doorway. AH, I love this weather.

Went to lunch with Elizabeth today to work on the yearbook cover. It was good times. We went to Little Azio's. They have these huge garage door windows and they were open and it was BEAUTIFUL. Ah, so nice.

This past weekend was so weird. Something just felt off. It wasn't a BAD thing, just..weird.

Yesterday was FULL of weirdness. I talked to people I haven't really spoken to in forever. It was good. Very weird, but very nice. It made me realize how grateful I am to have a ton of people in my life that really care about me. Regardless of how often we talk, they'll always be there for me. And, it kind of hit me how much I WILL actually miss them all next year.

I shall now go take an insanely long shower, get more green tea, and then ENJOY the outside.

The Seasons Are A-Changin'!


Posted on 6:27 PM | By KatieSham | In

I would REALLY love it if Christmas would hurry up. I love the whole wintery season. Cold weather, Christmas trees, and baking. AND SO MUCH MORE.

I just -AH- I love it. I love putting up the tree; I love cooking yummy things. AND I CAN WEAR MY SCARVES. I have a strong love and respect for scarves. I got a beauuuutiful one for my birthday. And I can't WAIT to wear it.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Fall still needs to really kick in. Which, is still fine with me. I love fall just as much as winter. Leaves, college football, and LAYERS. Woo. I'm pumped.

Today was a nice one for the most part. It was a little hectic to begin with. But after finishing my physics test (we'll see how that goes), things were pretty smooth.

Chorus was good, not too many people, but a good group nonetheless. That's what got me really in the whole Christmasy mood. We're practicing all of our songs for Christmas. And I love them all. We're singing the Charlie Brown Christmas song. Christmas timeeee is hereeeee. I adore that song. It's so cute.

So that is all, I must go do homework and eat and things.

Because The Office comes on tonight! I know you've all been waiting.



Posted on 10:17 PM | By KatieSham | In

So, hello blog. I've decided something. I've decided that I'm going to be completely honest with you. I'm going to try my hardest to just write what I feel. I'm going to try my VERY hardest to pretend as though no one is reading you.

That will be hard. But I'm going to try. I will also try to do it more frequently. The posts won't always be funny (not that they ever are...) and they certainly won't always be entertaining. But since I'm AWFUL at keeping any kind of journal, I'd like to have something to look back at in a couple years.


Today was good. Went to Starbucks this morning. That was a good time. I haven't been in a while, and I always appreciate some good coffee. We of course get stalked by another creepy fellow. Because that ALWAYS happens. We decided to move outside because I, of course, had picked a spot in direct sunlight. And guess what, CREEPY MAN came out with us! It was good times. We always get creeped on at Starbucks.

Other than that, today was mostly relaxing. No school, Taco Bell for dinner, laughing...today was a good day.

It's days like today that make me forget about all of the college stuff I can't stop thinking about (which I should probably blog about if I'm really going for this whole honestly thing).

So yes, that's pretty much it. Pretty uneventful day. Tomorrow doesn't look too much more exciting. Lots of quality time with Frankenstein and my physics book. Woo!



Posted on 10:02 PM | By KatieSham | In

It's eating me. I need a break. I'm so tired of people and trying to please everyone, keep everyone happy. I'm tired of trying and not feeling like people need me like I need them. BLAH.

On a slightly happier note I went to GCSU on Monday with Morgan, Mrs. Diana, and my mom. That was a good time. We laughed a lot and had a great time. But it wasn't really..for me I don't think. It was a nice campus and all, good programs, nice people. Just not for me.

Yesterday I went to a yearbook conference in Chattanooga. And again, very nice. We had a good time. But it was just a long time to be in the car for one day.

Now, I'm working on my government paper and praying for the weekend to be here as soon as possible. Woo.



Posted on 11:19 PM | By KatieSham | In

I'm feelin' ZIPPY tonight.

So this weekend is my birthday. And I'm not so excited. I mean, I suppose I'm excited for the actual BIRTHDAY but I'm not exactly excited for the eight hour drive to the mountains.


On Sunday, I was feeling a little down. Mostly because I didn't get out of the house because I was feeling a little under the weather and when I DON'T get out of the house, things aren't pretty. I was convinced that my stay at home Monday wouldn't be any better.

BUT THEN, I won tickets. Tickets to see one of my FAVORITE bands play. The Fray. :D
I was happy. And, it's a small event, only 200 attendees. AH. Intense.
It's just funny to me how I can be so down one second and then BAM! God's like, "Hey, hey look. Stop complaining, things are good. Here, let me prove it to you." And then things like that happen.

And really, this was definitely a God thing. Because the chances of me being able to win ANYTHING on the radio are about as great as everyone sprouting a tail and breathing under water. Really, same odds.

So yes, I'm very excited by that. Was definitely a good start to my week.

Now, I shall go read Frankenstein and go to sleep.

See you all tomorrow perhaps?