"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury


Posted on 10:17 PM | By KatieSham | In

So, hello blog. I've decided something. I've decided that I'm going to be completely honest with you. I'm going to try my hardest to just write what I feel. I'm going to try my VERY hardest to pretend as though no one is reading you.

That will be hard. But I'm going to try. I will also try to do it more frequently. The posts won't always be funny (not that they ever are...) and they certainly won't always be entertaining. But since I'm AWFUL at keeping any kind of journal, I'd like to have something to look back at in a couple years.


Today was good. Went to Starbucks this morning. That was a good time. I haven't been in a while, and I always appreciate some good coffee. We of course get stalked by another creepy fellow. Because that ALWAYS happens. We decided to move outside because I, of course, had picked a spot in direct sunlight. And guess what, CREEPY MAN came out with us! It was good times. We always get creeped on at Starbucks.

Other than that, today was mostly relaxing. No school, Taco Bell for dinner, laughing...today was a good day.

It's days like today that make me forget about all of the college stuff I can't stop thinking about (which I should probably blog about if I'm really going for this whole honestly thing).

So yes, that's pretty much it. Pretty uneventful day. Tomorrow doesn't look too much more exciting. Lots of quality time with Frankenstein and my physics book. Woo!

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