"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury

Dry Sockets and Earth


Posted on 3:39 PM | By KatieSham | In

So, turns out there was a reason for the intense pain I've been feeling in my mouth/jaw/face for the last 24 hours or so.

Alveolar osteitis or, dry sockets. Which basically means that the blood clot that is temporarily in place of the tooth that was just pulled is lost. Which is bad because not only does it serve to help stop bleeding, but it also protects the nerves of the bone that is now exposed after the surgery.

KILLER PAIN. I mean, I've been hurt before. I know pain. But this is unlike anything I've ever felt. It radiates through the entire left side of my face (because, don't you know, the whole right side of my face is doing just fine). And, it only happens to about 10% of the people that have tooth extractions, so..you know..LUCKY ME.

So we went back to the oral surgeon, he packed a long piece of gauze in there with some sort of medicine on the end DOWN INTO THE HEALING WOUND and told me that I get to come back again tomorrow (and possibly once more after that) to have it done again. OH. BOY. SO MUCH FUN. I'm just thrilled, in case you couldn't tell.

On a lighter note, I saw a trailer for a "Disney Nature" film I hadn't seen before today. It's called Earth. And um,

(And I swear the guys voice in the trailer is Mufasa. MMMMMHM)
I definitely had a little fangirly moment after watching it. IT LOOKS SO GOOD.

It's from Alastair Fothergill, who is an award winning British producers and director. It was co-shot with the BBC series 'Planet Earth' and 'The Blue Planet'.

OH MAH LORD. I'm so excited. It's going to be amazing. It follows the migration on three species (Polar Bears, Humpback Whales, and Elephants). It comes out April 22, 2009 (Earth Day) and I could not possibly be more excited.
Who's going with me?

And I know I didn't have to post today, but I just felt like it, so I did.

Meh. Videos.


Posted on 10:54 PM | By KatieSham | In

This post is going to suck.
Because I need to go to bed. And my mouth hurts.

Not YouTube, but still ADORABLE.

That's all.
But...I don't really care.

What Would You Do?


Posted on 9:55 PM | By KatieSham | In

So tonight after American Idol I started watching Primetime's: What Would You Do?
And this show is definitely a show for me.

It's all about, in case you didn't know, what people would do in certain situations. So there is a set of actors that know what's going on, and then the hidden cameras wait and see how strangers react.
Some of the situations that I've seen are...

-What would you do if you saw a couple fighting and the man was getting physically forceful?
-What would you do if you saw an obviously intoxicated woman trying drive her two kids home?
-What would you do if you saw a baby in a car on a hot day, and then saw the mom leave the baby again?
-What would you do if you went to an open house and witnessed people stealing items in the staged home?
-What would you do if you saw an elderly man that obviously shouldn't be driving, trying to drive away?
-What would you do if you saw a man trying to lure away a young child at the park?

AHHH. I love this show. I get so upset when I watch because the whole time I'm thinking what'd I would do if I saw any of this happen. Of course while I'm watching I'm telling myself (and everyone else in the room) that I would speak up in a heart beat, that I wouldn't let any of this happen. But would I really?

They also do a good job of switching up the actors. So instead of it being a scruffy looking guy trying to get the little girl to go away with him, what if it was a clean cut guy? What if it appeared they knew each other?

Did more people stop to offer help if it was a couple of a different race? What if it was the man getting yelled at?

It's so interesting to think about. Not to mention watching all of the reactions of the people.

So what WOULD you do in one of those situations? EH?!

Oh, and I'd love to do some posts about my opinions on..stuff..anything really.
So if you all have any ideaaaaas, let me know.



Posted on 9:26 PM | By KatieSham | In

Well, no one really seemed fazed by my music posting last week, so I'm going to go ALL OUT and post some REALLY RANDOM artists and pray that someone likes something.

First up...Nickel Creek.
Now, you've probably heard of them before..but I'm betting you haven't actually listened..
So here you are, some links to listen.
HERE! is one..and just for kicks, it's set to House clips. HAH.
And this is one of my favorites by them. The lyrics are really...touching? MAKES ME TEAR UP A BIT.
And this is another one of theirs that I like.
They're not, I guess, what you'd call 'normal' for what most teenagers listen to, but the harmonies (and..you know me, THOSE HARMONIES GET ME EVERY TIME) are beautiful.
Nickel Creek is who I turn to during my homework, or while I'm trying to read. Because even though I know their songs by heart, I can listen, but not sing. Which, is a rarity for me.

Nerina Pallot is another interesting one. She's..from..JERSEY, yes, Jersey. Her voice is pretty unique and I just..ahh, I love it.
Check this, this, and this for some of my favorites of hers.

And I could now go on a long rant about Norah Jones and how I can't go on a road trip without listening to at least one of her songs, but I won't. I'll save that for another week. I'll let you marinate on those for now. :)

Edit: Ah, I just realize that the banner thing at the top isn't centered just right.



Posted on 9:03 PM | By KatieSham | In

How I loathe thee.

Sometimes I have no problem finding things on Stumble, other times, it gives me nothing.

See, because I could do this quick and dirty and just link you to a bunch of random websites that I find hilarious/insightful/weird. Like this:

Like this!
Or this...

But I won't. Because I'm a better person than that. Well, occasionally.

But a few months ago I found this. And that my friends, is one of the funniest things I have ever read in my life. And if I were to meet that man someday, I might just have to hug him. Or something. I've read it all at least three times, and it never gets old.

And here's another website along the same lines. However, this guy isn't insane, just hilarious. I want a boy like him. I've also read that multiple times.

That's all for now, sorry for the lateness...again. I'm feeling a little bit off.
It seems having teeth ripped out of your face'll do that do to you.

My..lovely week.


Posted on 7:41 PM | By KatieSham | In

Not all of these are from THIS week, but I've been a little busy..

But here we go.

Um..pretty sunset, stuck in traffic. WOOHOO. It gets better. Well, sort of.

After picking Rob up from the dance we decided we needed Burger King because it was like 10 and we hadn't had dinner. So he felt the need to stick his tie behind him, because he didn't want it in his food. OF COURSE.

This would be the little girl I babysat last a few weekends ago. She was eating oatmeal and asked me to put her hair up, I was thinking a hair tie. BUT NO, silly Katie. She asked me to use a chip clip. It was all I could do not to laugh.

Now, this was weird. We were driving to my oral surgeon consultation down highway 9 and we passed this. Now if you can't see it that well, the white stuff is ice. It was cold enough, but it hadn't rained or anything. It was just this random spot of ice on the side of the road. REALLY WEIRD, but..really cool.

And this, my friends, is who I've gotten especially close to the last two days.
It's my 'curved ice pack' given to me by the lovely oral surgeon people. I'd like to think this is what saved my from swelling up like a chipmunk after having my wisdom teeth removed. Or maybe I was just lucky. Either way, I definitely had to include it in this week's pictures.

So, sorry to disappoint, but I'm afraid there won't be a video this week.
I'm not really feeling up to it. :/

Her Morning Elegance


Posted on 11:34 PM | By KatieSham | In


I'm so tired. So excuse any weirdness of this post.


I love this song. I love this video. It's breathtaking at first.

The video used about 3225 still shots in all. There was 4 weeks of pre-production set up, but the actual shooting only took 2 days.

It's absolutely beautiful and so original. It feels like the music and video just melt together.
It's wonderful.

And after watching it for the 100th time I realize that they HAD to have used artificial lighting, because the light coming in from the window never moves. HMM.


So I'm going to go even after not having said much, today was a rather long, stressful day. And a rather frustrating evening.

Age of Innocence


Posted on 10:55 PM | By KatieSham | In

So as I'm sitting at the Morris house helping (if you can call it that, maybe just helping to maintain the sanity) watch the little boy that is at their house every Monday night, I started to wonder something.

When do we hit that certain age? I was sitting there watching Brian play a makeshift version of Clue when it occurred to me that this kid really had no idea that he wasn't playing the real thing. Same goes for Trivial Persuit..

So when do we get old enough to realize that we're being messed with? When does it click that it doesn't make any sense that a bunch of teenagers are losing against us in a trivia game made for adults?

I mean, I realize that there isn't a specific age where all of the sudden we're like, "OH HEY. YOU'RE SCREWING WITH ME." But is there a general age?

If so, I certainly don't remember. I of course DO remember times where I can look back and realize that I might have been being taken advantage of, but then again I can't really remember when that stopped.

But then again, you can always look at it from another angle. Who honestly can't remember ever trying to convince the babysitter your mom said you could stay up an hour later? Did we really think that they'd believe us? Or did we just think we could actually get away with it?

But...then again I don't suppose that ever really stops. We're all still convincing somebody of something. Yes, of course we did that homework. Why yes I did get in on curfew last week.

But in retrospect, I don't think we ever really get to the age where we fully realize we're being messed with. Aren't we always taking advice from our elders? No, it won't hurt. Don't worry, you can still get a job.

So maybe we never grow out of that age of innocence, maybe it just changes and alters as we do.

Who knows.

I realize that this really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And..it's really longish.
But I'm tired. So..yeah.

MUSIC! And..schedules.


Posted on 11:16 PM | By KatieSham | In

So I have a schedule now. Brian thought it up, well...we colaborated. I suppose I'll stick it over there..just like him..

I WILL do something original one of these days..promise..
So I'll just give a quick run through of each of the days so you know what's a'commin'.

Monday's Music Melody- I'll give a few bands/artists that I've been into lately and talk about each quickly. They may or may not be ones you've heard of before.
Tuesday....is my free day. I shall post whatever my heart desires. I'm thinking I'll end up giving Tuesday a more specific duty by the end of this month.
Wednesday's Weekly YouTube Video- This would be where I shall post a video that I've come across during the week. A few may be thought provocative..others might not be..WE SHALL SEE.
Photo Friday- I generally take pictures of things during the week. Of..different things..like I've posted before. So on Friday I'll wrap up my week in picture form. WOOT.
Video Saturday- We'll see how this pans out. *ahem* BRIAN.
Stumble Sunday- I use Stumble, a lot. So on Sundays I'll post something I've..stumbled upon during the week that I liked.

And I skipped Thursdays because well..I felt like it.

SO HERE WE GO. (Here we go..here we go again..dodododoo *insert treadmills*)

We have an on going theme of female artists this evening..so..just..love it.
MariƩ Digby- So I just want to claim her before she gets insanely popular. Because I heard her song on the radio the other day and I like her too much to think of her becoming mainstream. I found her last year...somehow and I love her. Her voice is strong, but soft. And she's just..lovely.

Missy Higgins- Yet another female artist, but different. She's Australian, which already adds about 10 points on the reasons I love her list, and she is amazing. Her voice makes me happy no matter the actual tone of the song. Not everyone may agree with her personal choices, but I tend to look over that and just love her for her music.

Matt White- I don't remember how I found him, but I'm so glad he did. My mom may make fun of his voice, but I don't mind. It's gorgeous and strong, and ah. His songs are upbeat for the most part, but there's nothing wrong with that.

The Hush Sound- I can't decide if they're well known or not, but either way. I love them. They're one of those bands that you can listen to a thousand times and never get sick of. I can listen to one of their songs again and again and always find something new about it.

Five For Fighting- I realize Five For Fighting has been around for a while, but I'm just now rediscovering his music. It's all so mellow and relaxing. The lyrics are fantasic and I can always somehow relate to each of them. MMHM.

So yes, that's all for now.
I already think I know what I'll post for tomorrow, but maybe not..since SOMEONE already read part of it.

Another something..


Posted on 12:14 AM | By KatieSham | In

..that you can all get addicted to! WOOHOO.

So if you're like me, after watching the Vlogbrothers (WHICH I KNOW YOU DID) you branched out to other YouTubers..watch other videos..

And eventually you will come across a website called "I'm In Like With You". And if you know what's best for you, STAY AWAY.

I did, for a long while. But now I have gone against my better judgment and joined.

Basically it's an online gaming site and you play against other people. With each game you play you get points based on how well you place. And if you're at all like me, you can't stop playing until you beat somebody. It's very addictive, but very fun.

This is not a link.

On another note I saw 'He's Just Not That Into You' tonight. And while it may be horribly predictable, it was a really cute movie. And apparently it had something to it seeing as how I'm still thinking about some of it.

That's all for nowww.
I can't think of anything to talk about. This is not good. IDEAS?!


No Music?


Posted on 9:41 PM | By KatieSham | In

So last year sometime, I can't recall where, I read something that a girl had written.

Basically she was asking for advice about what to about talking to her parents. She said she really wanted to go to The Killers concert that was in the next city over. She could take the train, be there in 30 minutes, and the concert would be over relatively early.

The problem?
She said her parents didn't know she listened to music.

I was blown away. They didn't know she listened to music? How was that possible?

Some other people got to talking to her and she also said that her parents didn't listen to music and they never had. They only ever listened to talk radio in the car.

Maybe I've just been blessed to grow up in a house where I'm constantly surrounded by music of some sort, but it's such a foreign idea to me to not have music around.
Whether it be the radio, my iPod, somebody's computer, Robert on the guitar, or my mom on the piano, there's almost always something going on somewhere.

So..yeah. I just thought that was a little crazy. What do YOUUU think (Brian and my mom..haha)?


Oh, and this wasn't the thing I've been thinking about. But I don't like the way it sounds yet. :)



Posted on 12:52 AM | By KatieSham | In

So I'm working on another post right now that I've been thinking a lot about lately. But, being who I am I can't post it yet seeing that I need to rewrite something 853 times before I'm somewhat happy with it.

So until then..

I'm posting my 25 Things over here that I also posted on Facebook.
Because you see, that took me a FREAKING LONG TIME. I don't think it was supposed to, but I was trying to think of things that people might honestly not know about me. And either I failed miserably and you all know me entirely too well or I actually DID freak you out and no one had the guts to say anything about it.

So here it is again, read it again. DARE YOU.

And tell me, what did you actually not know about me?

1. My full name is Katherine Lee Shamblin. (Copied Haley :D)

2. I'm insanely OCD about weird things. And you might think you know..but you really don't..FOR INSTANCE...
-I always have to have the volume on an even number. And if is isn't, I won't stop thinking about it, until I can change it.
-I ALWAYS start going up stairs with my left foot(like, left foot on the ground), and I really hate it when I don't end on my right foot.
-I always chew my food a certain way. I bite into it and then chew from the left side, then to the right side...yeah..
-AND..I've pretty much gotten over this, but I need to feel like both hands have touched something an equal amount. Like, if I touch something with my left hand..I have to with my right hand. I don't do this much anymore though.
-I almost forgot about this, BOOKS. I never break the spine, EVER. And I don't dogear the pages..or..anything. I'm very careful with my books. Yeah.

I don't like freak when something doesn't happen..I just like it when it does. (:

3. I realize that's extremely weird. It's ok, be weirded out. :|
And if it makes you feel any better, my family didn't know any of this until I was writing this, haha.

4. My mother is a freak. She is absolutely insane, but we get a long really well most days. Which I love. Especially when she says things like, "That's just obscene."

5. I'm really opinionated. About everything. Go ahead, ask me. I'll have an opinion on it.
(This may or may not be well known..)

6. I HATE OTHER DRIVERS. And I realize that I'm a new driver, but at least I know the laws . AND I USE MY BLINKERS. If you've ever ridden in the car with me, you know how much I hate people who don't use their blinkers. Really, ask Robert.
And how could I forget to mention, Sara Cloud, who taught me 'don't be that driver.' hah :)

7. I looooove traveling. LOVE IT. Driving...flying...seeing new places. OH YES. Ask me to go somewhere with you, I will. Which I got from my great-grandmother. :)

8. I don't really like kids. If I'm babysitting, it's purely for the money. They're just too..moist.
(I'm thinking I'll feel differently about my own children. I hope.)

9. I have a twisted sense of humor. It's true. Ask people I watch House with. And this like this make me laugh. A lot.

10. I love having those friends that you can just look at know that you're both thinking the exact same thing. I have a few of those.

11. I love steamed vegetables. Love them. I would eat them everyday. Like..carrots..broccoli..asparagus. Yum.

12. I love coffee..as of late. Used to hate it. But now I absolutely love it.

13. I really don't like candy. I mean, I enjoy it when I have it. But I'd just as soon have some grapes.

14. SPEAKING OF..I love fruit. LOVEEEE IT. Oh, it's so good. There is NOTHING better that some cold watermelon on a hot summer day.

15. I love the idea of cooking, I really do. I'm just not all that great at it. But give me some time. I'LL GET THERE.

16. I love to read, a lot. I just never make time for it. I end up doing a thousand other things instead.

17. I like shoes, but I LOVE purses. Seriously, that is like, my one outlet for being girly.

18. I've been to seven different schools, but I've only lived in two houses.
Lake Windward Elementary
Creekview Elementary
Webb Bridge Middle
Vickery Middle
Forsyth Central High
West Forsyth High
ANDDDD Fideles

19. I hate talking on the phone. I really do. Even if it's someone I've known for years, I just don't like it.
I'd rather talk to you in person or just text you.

20. I can remember words to songs I sang when I was five, but I can't remember what I learned in history in August.

21. I THINK I love rollercoasters. I've never really ridden anything more than what's at Disney.

22. I have a really wide taste in music, but at the same time, I'm really picky about what I listen to.

23. I'm currently working on getting a bunch of old pictures onto Facebook. So if I knew you before 7th grade. Get ready.

24. I really hate the idea of a 'best friend' so I really only have one person I might consider to be mine. Even if they confuse me to death and have me guessing what they're thinking half the time.

25. I'm blogging again. I'd really love it if someone was reading it... :D
(But if you're HERE...you knew that...!)

So there you go, tellmetellmetellme.


(Again, I love talking to the non-existent people. IT'S AWESOME.)