"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury


Posted on 12:52 AM | By KatieSham | In

So I'm working on another post right now that I've been thinking a lot about lately. But, being who I am I can't post it yet seeing that I need to rewrite something 853 times before I'm somewhat happy with it.

So until then..

I'm posting my 25 Things over here that I also posted on Facebook.
Because you see, that took me a FREAKING LONG TIME. I don't think it was supposed to, but I was trying to think of things that people might honestly not know about me. And either I failed miserably and you all know me entirely too well or I actually DID freak you out and no one had the guts to say anything about it.

So here it is again, read it again. DARE YOU.

And tell me, what did you actually not know about me?

1. My full name is Katherine Lee Shamblin. (Copied Haley :D)

2. I'm insanely OCD about weird things. And you might think you know..but you really don't..FOR INSTANCE...
-I always have to have the volume on an even number. And if is isn't, I won't stop thinking about it, until I can change it.
-I ALWAYS start going up stairs with my left foot(like, left foot on the ground), and I really hate it when I don't end on my right foot.
-I always chew my food a certain way. I bite into it and then chew from the left side, then to the right side...yeah..
-AND..I've pretty much gotten over this, but I need to feel like both hands have touched something an equal amount. Like, if I touch something with my left hand..I have to with my right hand. I don't do this much anymore though.
-I almost forgot about this, BOOKS. I never break the spine, EVER. And I don't dogear the pages..or..anything. I'm very careful with my books. Yeah.

I don't like freak when something doesn't happen..I just like it when it does. (:

3. I realize that's extremely weird. It's ok, be weirded out. :|
And if it makes you feel any better, my family didn't know any of this until I was writing this, haha.

4. My mother is a freak. She is absolutely insane, but we get a long really well most days. Which I love. Especially when she says things like, "That's just obscene."

5. I'm really opinionated. About everything. Go ahead, ask me. I'll have an opinion on it.
(This may or may not be well known..)

6. I HATE OTHER DRIVERS. And I realize that I'm a new driver, but at least I know the laws . AND I USE MY BLINKERS. If you've ever ridden in the car with me, you know how much I hate people who don't use their blinkers. Really, ask Robert.
And how could I forget to mention, Sara Cloud, who taught me 'don't be that driver.' hah :)

7. I looooove traveling. LOVE IT. Driving...flying...seeing new places. OH YES. Ask me to go somewhere with you, I will. Which I got from my great-grandmother. :)

8. I don't really like kids. If I'm babysitting, it's purely for the money. They're just too..moist.
(I'm thinking I'll feel differently about my own children. I hope.)

9. I have a twisted sense of humor. It's true. Ask people I watch House with. And this like this make me laugh. A lot.

10. I love having those friends that you can just look at know that you're both thinking the exact same thing. I have a few of those.

11. I love steamed vegetables. Love them. I would eat them everyday. Like..carrots..broccoli..asparagus. Yum.

12. I love coffee..as of late. Used to hate it. But now I absolutely love it.

13. I really don't like candy. I mean, I enjoy it when I have it. But I'd just as soon have some grapes.

14. SPEAKING OF..I love fruit. LOVEEEE IT. Oh, it's so good. There is NOTHING better that some cold watermelon on a hot summer day.

15. I love the idea of cooking, I really do. I'm just not all that great at it. But give me some time. I'LL GET THERE.

16. I love to read, a lot. I just never make time for it. I end up doing a thousand other things instead.

17. I like shoes, but I LOVE purses. Seriously, that is like, my one outlet for being girly.

18. I've been to seven different schools, but I've only lived in two houses.
Lake Windward Elementary
Creekview Elementary
Webb Bridge Middle
Vickery Middle
Forsyth Central High
West Forsyth High
ANDDDD Fideles

19. I hate talking on the phone. I really do. Even if it's someone I've known for years, I just don't like it.
I'd rather talk to you in person or just text you.

20. I can remember words to songs I sang when I was five, but I can't remember what I learned in history in August.

21. I THINK I love rollercoasters. I've never really ridden anything more than what's at Disney.

22. I have a really wide taste in music, but at the same time, I'm really picky about what I listen to.

23. I'm currently working on getting a bunch of old pictures onto Facebook. So if I knew you before 7th grade. Get ready.

24. I really hate the idea of a 'best friend' so I really only have one person I might consider to be mine. Even if they confuse me to death and have me guessing what they're thinking half the time.

25. I'm blogging again. I'd really love it if someone was reading it... :D
(But if you're HERE...you knew that...!)

So there you go, tellmetellmetellme.


(Again, I love talking to the non-existent people. IT'S AWESOME.)

Comments (3)

I've lived with you since the beginning of time.....or your time at least, and I have no idea of #2!!! Good gravy, that is scary!!

So basically, I had no idea about you and steamed vegetables....
yeah. that's it!

So I googled my name and this came up. I'm pretty sure I wrote it! My full name is Katherine Lee Shamblin. People call me Katie. I'm OCD about weird things too. You have the same opinion as me on basically everything. I'm slightly scared...

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