"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury

My..lovely week.

Posted on 7:41 PM | By KatieSham | In

Not all of these are from THIS week, but I've been a little busy..

But here we go.

Um..pretty sunset, stuck in traffic. WOOHOO. It gets better. Well, sort of.

After picking Rob up from the dance we decided we needed Burger King because it was like 10 and we hadn't had dinner. So he felt the need to stick his tie behind him, because he didn't want it in his food. OF COURSE.

This would be the little girl I babysat last a few weekends ago. She was eating oatmeal and asked me to put her hair up, I was thinking a hair tie. BUT NO, silly Katie. She asked me to use a chip clip. It was all I could do not to laugh.

Now, this was weird. We were driving to my oral surgeon consultation down highway 9 and we passed this. Now if you can't see it that well, the white stuff is ice. It was cold enough, but it hadn't rained or anything. It was just this random spot of ice on the side of the road. REALLY WEIRD, but..really cool.

And this, my friends, is who I've gotten especially close to the last two days.
It's my 'curved ice pack' given to me by the lovely oral surgeon people. I'd like to think this is what saved my from swelling up like a chipmunk after having my wisdom teeth removed. Or maybe I was just lucky. Either way, I definitely had to include it in this week's pictures.

So, sorry to disappoint, but I'm afraid there won't be a video this week.
I'm not really feeling up to it. :/

Comments (2)

I will let it slip this week but next week when you can perform normal facial expressions, I expect a good one. LOL. but i guess I really can;t say that seeing as I have been slacking this week.

The chip clip was BY FAR my favorite.... and btw I TOTALLY saw that ice thing on HWY 9 right before Wal-Mart. Like, you said it was WEIRD..

Good post! I see that you started following yourself. CONFORMER.

Haha, I appreciate your leniency.

And yes, the chip clip was hilarious.
The ice this was just freaky..but really cool at the same time.

Goodness Brian, you should know my well enough by now to know I always, always conform.

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