"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury

I'm bored...LIST TIME!

Posted on 9:28 PM | By KatieSham | In

100 things..ALL. ABOUT. ME.
But I'm not THAT mean, I'm splitting them up. :)
I haven't had a whole lot to blog about, so I'm going to start another list of things you might not know about me. :D

100. I love Sudoku, seriously. It takes me a while on anything past a medium level, but I still love doing them.
99. The TV shows I watch vary far and wide. I love House, but I love The Hills. I'm addicted to Gossip Girl, but I watch Mythbusters almost every week. Dirty Jobs cracks me up, and I've watch Grey's Anatomy from the start.
98. I HATE math, HATE it. Not only am I no good at it, I just don't see a need for anything much past Algebra 2 in life. Well, unless you're going to be a mathematician. Then..maybe.
97. I'm incredibly stubborn, but at the same time, I'm more than willing to hear another opinion on something. Just..don't expect me to change my mind, at least not right away. :)
96. I like planning. I like knowing exactly what to do and when to do it. I HATE "fly by the seat of the pants" people. I'm all for spontaneity, if you're say..on a trip. But if you want me to get something done or be somewhere, I need details.
95. I associate everything with something else..smells, songs, movies, books. Thunderstorms=McDonald's Fries, 8th grade=Daniel Powter- Bad Day. You name it, I'll tell you what I associate with it. :)
94. I get very passionate about things, very quickly.
93. I'm really bad about automatically assuming everyone understands exactly what I mean when I'm texting/emailing. If you don't, please ask.
92. I really hate it when people aren't honest with me. PLEASE tell me what you really think instead of skirting around the subject.
91. I'm very, VERY picky about my iPod, everything needs an album cover and everything needs a title and an artist. And if not, then I'm..not a happy camper. :) haha

So..I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately. School is ALMOST over (FIVE DAYS. OHMAHLORD), so I SHOULD be posting more frequently. The performances for church and school are done, so things are finally settling down a little. The day after we get out, we're heading to Alabama for my cousin's graduation. And then..summer. And I can drive this year. AH. I'm excited.

Now..off to dissect a fish. :|

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