"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury


Posted on 12:34 AM | By KatieSham | In

90. I'm over sensitive, and not very good at hiding it. If you've upset me or pissed me off, you'll know it.
89. I cry when I get really angry. It's true. Ask people.
88. I hate it when you say something stupid, and people WILL NOT forget about it. We all make mistakes people, move on.
87. I am not a crafty person. I try my hardest, but glue and I just don't get along.
86. I hate when people aren't respectful of their elders. I mean, it's fine if you don't like them..or if you just don't agree with them, but at least give them some respect.
85. I get hungry at really odd times during the day. Like, around 3pm..and really late at night.
84. I never sleep on my back, ever. If I am, there's something wrong with me and you should probably wake me up.
83. I love traveling, LOVE IT. Road trips are my favorite, even if I'm just going somewhere closer.
82. I'm really hypocritical when it comes to messes. I'm fine with MY mess, but I don't like anyone else's.
81. It takes me forever to fall asleep. That is unless I'm talking to someone, then I'm out in a few minutes.

Almost done with school. So close.

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