"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury

Collegey Things

Posted on 10:40 PM | By KatieSham | In

I'm going to keep at this blogging thing. Regardless of the fact that no one is reading it. I've given up on making it mildly entertaining. But in five years I want to be able to look back and cry from laughter at how much I've changed.

So in Fuel on Sundays at church we've broken up into little prayer groups. We all get together for like 5 minutes at the beginning of each lesson and write down each others prayer requests. I kind of dreaded it a little at first. Only because of how well we all haven't gotten along in the past year or so. It's actually really nice though; kind of reminds us why we all liked each other in the first place.

But I've kind of noticed a running theme in all of our requests each week. College.
It scares me to death.

I've known our entire small group for at least five years, most of them longer than that. The idea of everyone going off to school is so weird. I've known several of these people longer than I've known how to tie my shoes, longer than I've been able to form a compound sentence. It's so bizarre.

And obviously this extends past the people I know at church. College is being talked about everrrywhere.

There are definitely people that I think will be fine, that will adjust well. But there are a few that I'm almost certain will be knocking on mom and dad's door, not knowing how to boil water, within thee first two weeks of being away.

There are a few people I won't be sad to not see as regularly (or..never again..). But there are ALSO a few I hate the idea of losing touch with. I'm a pretty dependent person. I am. Not in the sense that I need someone constantly being with me, or always hanging out with fifteen different people. But I rely on my close friends to keep my spirits up. When I'm down, I talk to people. When I'm frustrated, I talk to people. When I'm happy, I talk to people. And yes, I will meet new people at school. But I know that there are certain friendships that probably won't last if we're not seeing each other once a week. And I hate that.

I like the people that I'm close with now. Yes, I so badly want to meet new people; to experience new things. But I don't want to lose that small circle of people that I love. People keep telling me that if they really matter they won't go anywhere. But I know that's crap. I've transferred schools enough times to know that sometimes, no matter how much you give it, there are just some relationships that don't work when you're not around someone.

Meh, anyway. Today I got in my first..wreck? Collision? Hah, I don't know.

I'm rounding a turn in my stupidly curvy neighborhood and the short bus appears and is in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET. I'm not talking like, was a little on my side of the street; where I can just kind of skirt into the little lip/curb thing. I mean like, if I didn't move I was going to be run over. So, I got over. A mailbox just happened to be inhabiting the same piece of earth I wanted. BEST PART? The bus kept driving. So, my mirror and car ended their relationship. I was crying, people were waving at me as I left the neighborhood looking like someone just died. It was a great afternoon.

Now, I shall go lay down and catch up on TV I've missed this week because I was being a good senior, doing her homework.

Oh, one more thing. I was thinking today, while taking mindless government notes, that I've had well over five gallons of green tea in the past two months. I can't decide if that's healthy or not.

Comments (4)

O.k., so here goes. I am also more of a dependent person and I loved college (Hello... I met my husband there!!!!) Not that it wasn't sad that most of my friends were going different placesand I had a few rough days when I told my Mom that I wasn't going back (obviously that didn't happen). I kept in touch with some old friends and I lost some along the way. That's just the way it is sometimes. People are in our life for a reason, a season and a lifetime... it's the nature of things. I'm going to be praying hard that you can have a group of friends in college just like I had. Some older, some younger but they all teach you something you didn't know about yourself in the first place. It's going to be a wonderful experience. Things change and you and I will just have to keep telling each other that. And, you and I are not the only ones in the fam that think this way!!!

I was folding up some of Lexi's clothes that she has outgrown the other day and wishing that she could just stay this little and wear them forever... not gonna happen.

Oh, and you might want to lay off the green tea a little... just saying.

Love you Katie Bug

Katie, I absolutely adore you. reading this has made my day. Not only that but it has made me think about how college brings and breaks apart relationships and such.

Love Ya!
Kelsie <3

Hey, I'm glad you are going to keep writing! I realize I'm only your Mom, but I do read it!

Just like Jenn said, people come and go. It's life. But if you love someone, then you go the extra mile and do all that you can to keep in touch. At least that way, you can say you tried! I love you.....I'm proud of you. You will be fine. I know these things!

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