"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." -Ray Bradbury


Posted on 11:24 PM | By KatieSham | In

I'm going to confess something. I'm an insanely dependent person. There is NO WAY I can deny that if asked. But, I'm pretty good at hiding it.

Ok, no. That's a lie. I'm terrible at hiding it. I get attached to people REALLY quickly. Which is sometimes good. If the person is going to stick around for a while. But so many times, I get caught up in getting to know someone and forget that I'm not going to see them again for a LONG time, if at all. World Changers is a GREAT example of this. I'm really good at finding the one person on my crew that I get along with fantastically and talking the whole week. But then at the end of the week, I have to leave and head six hours in the opposite direction from them.

But, it's not always on such a short term basis. I've been to 15 hundred schools. In theory, I should be really good at meeting people, getting to know them, and then leaving. BUT I'M NOT. That's just not how I'm wired. I need people around me. People that love me for..me. The crazy, weird, horrid sense of humor, hair that never does what it's supposed to person that I am. And I need them to tell me when I'm being ridiculous, when I'm being unreasonable.

And I'm OK with that, needing people.


I need some new JAMS. Preferably a band/artist that I have not heard of yet. I'm getting tired of the monotony of my music. (See how I contradict myself there? I want solidity in my relationships, but want insane unpredictability in my music.)

And..a closing thought. I'm scared..of a lot of things. Severely burning myself while taking something out of the oven..bad weather..
But I'm also scared of a new something.. People are always telling me how much potential I have. My lit teacher..my physics teacher (indirectly).. "You have so much potential. If you would just ____." I do not appreciate that sentiment. I don't know if it's supposed to MOTIVATE me or..SCARE me into motivating myself.. BUT IT'S NOT WORKING.
What if I don't really have that much more potential. What if I'm pretty much maxed out on my potential, potential. I mean, I'm not saying I'm done learning..that I don't plan on applying myself ever again. It's just..what if I don't have that much more to give? That's scary. Because then..I would be letting people down.

WHICH, is something I also struggle with. But we'll save that for another day..

To end this on a NICE note..I have on purple striped socks. They are beautiful.


Two Is Better Than One-Boys Like Girls

Comments (3)

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Several things; as always, of course-
Firstly, "Two is Better Than One" sounds like a flock of moody flamingos being chased by a gorilla with an addiction to steroids, and I say that in the nicest way possible. HONEST.
Secondly, I am glad you were to somewhat successfully incorporate the socks into the mix. Bravo.
Thirdly, I have picked up on this dependency factor of you, my friend. And no worries, I am not afraid to tell you when your ridiculous is showing. Which is quite... well, nevermind. :] just kidding. so much love here.
Fourthly and Lastly, I have to share some of my new discoveries in the musical department with you some time. But, you see, I am still developing and expanding that montage of greatness. But have no fear, young one, will share. will share... all in time.

PS - great to see an avid blogger post once in a while. Its people like you that motivate me to blog... eh. periodically. ALL IN LOVE.

I am exactly the same way, for the most part.

I was going to blog about it soon, but now I would just feel like I was copying you.


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